Saturday, September 26, 2015

[YAGP] Yet Another Gate Post

This post contains only FAQs.


Q: Why there is a second Gate Post? (probable FAQ in future)
A: Well, according to the stats of my blog, nobody even remotely care about any other blog posts, other than the one with Gate experience.  So yea, why not another gate post?

Q: If I’m working/studying, can I prepare for gate with/without coaching?
A: Sure. Spend a couple of hours everyday, you are there.

Q: Some Gate tips and tricks?
  1. if 'all of the above’ is an option, go for it. It’s almost always the answer if it’s there. I don’t know why.
  2. Ǝ (X → Y) doesn’t match with any normal english sentence. So eliminate the options in that form, if asked to convert an English sentence to a predicate sentence.
  3. If a question from limits (calculus) is asked, evaluate the equation with a really small / large number if x → 0 or x → ∞ respectively, in a calculator. For all other "x → val" format, check for both left and right limits (val - λ & val + λ where λ is really small). Most probably you will get an answer close to one of the options.

(contribute more in the comments)

Q: Are Ravindrababu Ravula’s videos any good?
A: As far as I’ve seen, yes.

Q: How should I prepare for Gate?
A: Like I said in my first Gate post, try solving all Gate problems from 2002. cross check the answer with Ankur Gupta’s website, search an explanation for that particular answer.

Q: This time it’s "institute - X" conducting Gate. Does it make a difference?
A: I don’t think so. More than that, if it’s tough, it’s tough for everybody.

Q: How much luck matters in Gate?
A: Some. When you build your concepts more clear, you are moving up to a better range of ranks. I would say the top 200 people in any Gate exam got almost equal level of intelligence. But the intensity of preparation and some luck played the rest. But considering the fact that there is a solid 1 or 2 marks margin in between the single digit ranks, but a 1 mark costs 100s in 4 digit ranks, I would say the more you prepare, the less luck plays.

Q: What is the best gate institute in "city-X” ?
A: No idea. I’ve done coaching only once, in Ace Hyderabad. It was good, and I recommend it.

(again, contribute to the question set)


  1. thankyou for posting...
    its really helpful and motivating...
    whenever i get distracted then i definitely read your blog...

  2. Thanks for providing the questions and answers for GATE as they would help students to get prepared for gate exam course.

  3. Thanks for the post.Icegate Institute is one of the renowed gate coaching institute because of its highly skilled faculty.Join Pune gate classes for better future.

  4. Nice blog buddy. usefull information for every students who is preparing for GATE. Selecting the right institute for GATE exam is very important

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